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vadimvidov's avatar

Vadim Vidov, Moscow, Russia

Hello, I'm Vadim I Am a programmer, I Operate The most valuable thing I have in my life is my family. It took me a long time to get there since I did not have a complete family, but I can state I have succeeded.
It seems to me that most people dream of having a family. But for that, each member of this household has to put a great deal of work to it. To begin with, you have to respect each other and be in a position to listen. After all, with no mutual knowledge, there will not be a good relationship. It's possible to never take each other from your family for granted.
Often there are quarrels and battles, and we do hurt relatives, and hurt them. At the same time, we aren't in a rush to request forgiveness, because they are relatives - they all will understand. It shouldn't be this manner. In the family, also, you shouldn't ever forget about crying and attempt to always be kind and gentle with their nearest and dearest.
To prevent conflicts in the household, we have to always remember what significance it has in our own lives. In the end, with no family, we'd be very bad. Here is the area where they constantly look forward to you. Where they rejoice with you on your successes and accomplishments.
Here you could always count on aid. Only your nearest and dearest individuals will never leave you trouble. Parents are the individuals who are ready to give guidance in any situation in life. They'll aid you with the selection of livelihood and with the pick of an outfit for a first date. Family is a distinctive world where everything is indeed native and dear. It is the closest and most comfortable place in the world.
Family value-communication-is are priceless and priceless. There is nothing more important than encounters, discussions, letters, and even other indications of focus. Talk openly about whatever, discuss everything that stresses: fantasies and fears, failures and successes, without any fear of judgment. As well as the last two beads are values for the family: obligation and tradition.
The duty includes experience every time a personal illustration is transmitted and instilled from the family attributes: to answer your telephone on time, to keep promises, to not overlook one's duties. Traditions from the family are what unites and bring relatives together. Every family has its own customs and their way to them differs; however, they are worth supporting and instilling respect for them. Below are a number of them: For example, eating with the entire family, at least at the evening, when everyone gathers together.


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10 May 2021
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  1. Batman Begins

    2 years 11 months ago
  2. Toy Story 3

    2 years 11 months ago
  3. Cidade de Deus

    2 years 11 months ago
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  1. The Dark Knight

    2 years 11 months ago
  2. The Shawshank Redemption

    2 years 11 months ago
  3. Inception

    2 years 11 months ago
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