Charts: Lists

This page shows you the list charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been marked as a dislike.

  1. Alfred Hitchcock filmography's icon

    Alfred Hitchcock filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 890:21. A list of all feature films directed by Hitchcock. This list excludes the various shorts, TV episodes and lost films he directed.
  2. Stanley Kubrick's Feature Filmography's icon

    Stanley Kubrick's Feature Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 763:15. A list of movies by Stanley Kubrick
  3. Christopher Nolan Filmography's icon

    Christopher Nolan Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 591:23.
  4. Woody Allen filmography's icon

    Woody Allen filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 571:69. A list of all feature films and TV films directed and/or written by Woody Allen. [url=]What's your favorite Woody Allen movie?[/url]
  5. Martin Scorsese Filmography's icon

    Martin Scorsese Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 504:7. A list of shorts, documentaries, and feature films directed by Martin Scorsese.
  6. Steven Spielberg Filmography's icon

    Steven Spielberg Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 486:11. This is a list of Steven Spielberg's complete filmography as a director. I did not include his short films but I did include Duel because it's the only TV movie he directed that's still available. I also am not including any films currently in production.
  7. Quentin Tarantino Filmography's icon

    Quentin Tarantino Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 459:52.
  8. Coen Brothers Filmography's icon

    Coen Brothers Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 456:10.
  9. Quentin Tarantino's Coolest Movies of All Time's icon

    Quentin Tarantino's Coolest Movies of All Time

    Favs/dislikes: 439:15. Tarantino's Coolest Movies of All Time from Wensley Clarkson's Tarantino - The Man, the Myths and His Movies book. * 1. Rio Bravo (1959, Howard Hawks) * 2. Taxi Driver (1976, Martin Scorsese) * 3. Blow Out (1981, Brian De Palma) The rest of the list is not in order and not a definite list. [url='s_favorite_films#Coolest_Movies_of_All_Time_.28September_2007.29]Source[/url]
  10. David Lynch feature films's icon

    David Lynch feature films

    Favs/dislikes: 321:5. Feature films directed by david lynch - no shorts - no television work
  11. Tim Burton feature films's icon

    Tim Burton feature films

    Favs/dislikes: 311:7. feature films directed by Tim Burton - no shorts - no amateur films - no television films
  12. Quentin Tarantino filmography's icon

    Quentin Tarantino filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 299:8. A list of all feature films written & directed by Tarantino. This list excludes his various shorts, TV episodes and films he only partially directed.
  13. Ingmar Bergman filmography's icon

    Ingmar Bergman filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 281:7. Films directed by Ingmar Bergman. Without TV movies, shorts and documentaries.
  14. Akira Kurosawa Filmography's icon

    Akira Kurosawa Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 271:7. The full list of the 33 films directed by Akira Kurosawa.
  15. A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese's icon

    A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese

    Favs/dislikes: 253:3. "From one of the world's most acclaimed directors comes an absorbing and informative look at the evolution of American film and how the medium both shaped Scorsese's own artistic vision and influenced the whole of American culture. Hundreds of film stills, many in color, plus dialogue, quotations, and other sources add to and illustrate each chapter's overriding theme." List is of all works with cited clips, in order of first appearance. Part 1: 1-40 Part 2: 41-74 Part 3: 75-99 [url=]Source[/url][Source is the film itself, the wikipedia page includes some films mentioned only in passing]
  16. Billy Wilder filmography's icon

    Billy Wilder filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 251:5. Billy Wilder (22 June 1906 – 27 March 2002) was an Austro-Hungarian born American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer, artist, and journalist, whose career spanned more than 50 years and 60 films. He is regarded as one of the most brilliant and versatile filmmakers of Hollywood's golden age. Wilder is one of only five people who have won Academy Awards as producer, director, and writer for the same film (The Apartment).
  17. Federico Fellini Filmography's icon

    Federico Fellini Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 188:6. Films directed by Italian great Federico Fellini. Includes segments and made-for-TV productions.
  18. Akira Kurosawa's A Dream Is a Genius's icon

    Akira Kurosawa's A Dream Is a Genius

    Favs/dislikes: 177:1. "From Chapter 3 of A Dream is a Genius, 1999. Akira Kurosawa discusses his top 100 films with his daughter, Kazuo. Kurosawa limits his choices to one film per director."
  19. Orson Welles Filmography's icon

    Orson Welles Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 159:2. Films directed by Orson Welles. Includes shorts and made-for-television films.
  20. Spike Lee's Essential List of Films for Filmmakers's icon

    Spike Lee's Essential List of Films for Filmmakers

    Favs/dislikes: 158:3. This is the list that Spike Lee distributes to his graduate students at NYU every year. Spike says: "I've Been A Professor At The NYU Graduate Film For The Past 15 Years.The 1st Day Of Every Class I Hand Out My List Of Films That I Feel You Must See If You Want To Make Films. Please Look At This List And See What You Might Have Missed. As I Tell My Students If You Want Your Film "Game" To Be Tight You Must Have Seen Great Movies, World Cinema, It Just Can't Be Hollywood Films. Educate Yourself. Learn. Grow. Evolve. Make Great Films. Peace, Onward And Upward, Spike Lee." [url=]Source[/url]
  21. Pedro Almodovar filmography's icon

    Pedro Almodovar filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 156:3. A list of all feature films by director Pedro Almodovar. This list excludes the various shorts, TV episodes and lost films he directed.
  22. Stanley Kubrick, Cinephile's icon

    Stanley Kubrick, Cinephile

    Favs/dislikes: 144:2. A list of Stanley Kubrick's favorite films, from the article "Stanley Kubrick, cinephile" written by Nick Wrigley and published on the website of the British Film Institute. In order to create the most complete and definitive list possible, Wrigley compiled all known statements and lists made by the director himself. He then interviewed Kubrick's long-time assistant and producer, Jan Harlan. It should be noted that this is an ongoing effort - if additional reliable sources identifying specific films (rather than just filmmakers) are found, they'll be added to the master list on the BFI site. (Updated with latest list revision 2/4/2014) [url=]Source[/url]
  23. Luis Buñuel filmography's icon

    Luis Buñuel filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 143:3. Luis Buñuel Portolés (22 February 1900 – 29 July 1983) was a Spanish-born filmmaker — later a naturalized citizen of Mexico — who worked in Spain, Mexico, France and the United States.
  24. Roman Polanski filmography's icon

    Roman Polanski filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 143:4.
  25. Fritz Lang's Filmography's icon

    Fritz Lang's Filmography

    Favs/dislikes: 140:2. All the available Fritz Lang feature films.
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Showing items 1 – 25 of 732