Charts: Movies

This page shows you the movie charts. By default, the movies are ordered by how many times they have been marked as a favorite. However, you can also sort by other information, such as the total number of times it has been checked or how many official top lists the movie is in.

  1. Kejarlah daku kau kutangkap

    1986, in 0 top lists Check
  2. Titian serambut dibelah tujuh

    1982 — a.k.a. The Narrow Bridge, in 1 top list Check
  3. Al kautsar

    1977 Check
  4. Bintang Kejora

    1986, in 1 top list Check
  5. Fatahillah

    1998 Check
  6. Hati yang perawan

    1984 Check
  7. Joe turun ke desa

    1989, in 0 top lists Check
  8. Ketika cinta bertasbih

    2009 Check
  9. Ketika cinta bertasbih 2

    2009 Check
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