AMP's The 50 Best Chinese Language Films of the Decade (2011-2020)

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The 50 Best Chinese Language (China, Hong Kong, Tibet, Bhutan, Taiwan) Films of the Decade (2011-2020)

March 1, 2021
Panos Kotzathanasis

Considering the political issues that torment the whole Sinophone world, and the ways all these countries (even this term is under consideration) are connected and clashing at the same time, coming up with a title and which films to include in that list is at least as difficult as winnowing the films in the list.

Despite all the turmoil, however, films of utmost quality continue to come out from this region, if even the “Hollywood of the East” (aka Hong Kong) is definitely not in the place it used to be during the 90s, with the fact that Chinese “Better Days” and Taiwanese “A Sun” are shortlisted for the Oscar for Foreign Movie, highlighting the fact in the most eloquent fashion.

In an effort to select some of the best Sinophone movies of the decade (2011-2020), we came up with 50 we felt were the ones that truly stand out in terms of quality, impact and sheer entertainment they offered. The order of this list could be different of course and the number much bigger, but our effort was towards presenting great films and not cataloguing all of them, always with a focus on diversity in style, themes, origin, and filmmaker

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