NC-17 movies

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Created by Fritz.

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A list of all films rated NC-17 – No One 17 and Under Admitted by the MPAA. The list is based on the Classifiction & Ratings Administration's database, and does not include films that (through appeal or editing) received a different rating before their release, or that surrendered their rating and were released without one (i.e. "unrated").

There are about half a dozen NC-17 films from 1990, 1991, and 1992 (when NC-17 had just been introduced) that—as far as I can tell—aren't on IMDb, and thus missing from this list. Judging from the titles (Centerspread, Peepshow, Play Thing, Games Of Love, Modern Love, Myriam, and Easyriders Video Magazine #13) most of them are porn, so it's probably not that big of a loss. Still, if anyone manages to locate them on IMDb, let me know and I'll add them to this list.

By default, the films are ordered by year of rating (not by year of release).

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