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Comments 1 - 14 of 14

Thorkell's avatar


What's with the negativity? This is a wonderful film!
7 years 10 months ago
dodgerr's avatar


Very good concept.
12 years 11 months ago
harrison27's avatar


The comments calling this an Australian film are making my right eye twitch like mad. I guess people really can't tell the difference between Australian and New Zealand accents. Anyway, yes, terrific film.
4 years 8 months ago
renemarc's avatar


Do place this movie in its time: during the last few years of the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation from space. You can feel the isolation of a non-superpower on the edge of world affairs, stuck with the consequences of dealing by default with an ally that plays by its rules. The token civil servant feeling guilt in taking part in a grand scenario leading to humanity's destruction, both acknowledging his subservient role in the events and feeling helplessly caught in the whirlwind of a masters' game of chess. spoiler

Seeing this movie gave me the same feeling of helplessness and desolate sorrow that On The Beach (1959) portrayed so well, where the doom of humanity is witnessed by its willing peons. Maybe there is a reason why today's Silicon Valley elites are buying land in New Zealand after all...
2 years 4 months ago
george4mon's avatar


Really fun movie!
5 years 9 months ago
Withnail33's avatar


"The Quiet Earth" could've easily fallen into typical tropes you find in many "last-man-on-earth" films but it doesn't; especially during a decade filled with cheesy horror flicks and action movies. What helps this film deviate from other films of the time is its focus on it's characters and their relationships with each other as they try to survive. The movie isn't just about exploring how and why - it touches on themes of spirituality. It comments on class system and race. Yes, our protagonist is figuring out how to solve a mystery but he is trying to figure out who he really is as a person as well. The sets are fantastic, the story is intriguing and the small cast is great (especially Bruno Lawrence). They really worked well off one another.

The one nitpick I had was the introduction to Joanne (Alison Routledge) where I thought that instant connection between her and Zac felt very rushed. They wouldn't be weary of each other? No one asks questions first? I also wanted more of a backstory with her so I could connect more with her character. I sympathized with Zac and Api but didn't really feel any emotion toward Joanne. And the part where spoiler was just comical and sort of ruined the tone of that scene.

Overall, this was a good sci-fi movie that offers audiences with much more than solving a mystery. It explores themes you don't normally see in 80s sci-fi films and will have you thinking about it even after the credits roll. Its one that really feels like it was ahead of it's time. I recommend checking this one out - just don't expect a Night of the Comet/The Last Man on Earth style narrative.
3 years 4 months ago
252's avatar


Proper aussie sci-fi flick.
5 years 5 months ago
Siskoid's avatar


A strange Australian film in which almost everyone on Earth disappears mysteriously. Eerie and captivating, though the end may disappoint.
6 years 6 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


If I'm the last man on earth, and there's only one woman, and I see you, and you are a guy....
11 years 10 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


11 years 10 months ago
Oneironaut's avatar


Very dull and poorly executed. The characters were particularly bland, and the casting terrible. That was probably the dealbreaker for me.

I usually love movies like this, yet I was bored throughout. Nice closing shot though.
12 years 1 month ago
greenhorg's avatar


11 years 10 months ago
greenhorg's avatar


****BANG BANG****
11 years 10 months ago
Ressa's avatar


Well Its on list and stuff, so it gotta have something, right? Blaaah. not really...
Well "The Quiet Earth" starts out great when Bruno Lawrence are 'alone' in whatever world it is. It is also okay when he meets the girl (except for at few signs of weakness). But when they meet the Indian dude it starts, and it just never stops. The script, dialogue and acting escalates and gets so bad and corny towards the end, that you don't know if you should laugh or cry - so I just got pent-up with anger. It is also impressive to cast 2 out of 3 characters so terrible.
I will never understand how this movie got a 6.9 score at IMDB. And don't say it is because it is cult. Just don't...
10 years 3 months ago
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