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jackigreen35's avatar

Jacki Green, Milan, Italy

Hello, my name is Jacki Green. I am involved in the promotion and development of Internet sites. On our site, you can read different reviews about products and sellers. It's worthwhile to buy this or that item. It is not possible to confirm the authenticity of reviews, including fake ones. Reviews on the internet were utilized by researchers to determine whether products are actually good. All reviews are checked by us to verify their authenticity.

Reviews are one of the key sales levers. 100% of respondents said that 20.1 percent read reviews prior to making purchases. Most of the time, 29.5% were guided by reviews from customers. Only 9.9% stated they didn't seek out reviews.

By leaving comment posts about working with your firm, customers are able to create original content that crawlers of search engines consider when evaluating websites. The posts are able to attract targeted traffic and strengthen your site's ranking in search results.
Receive feedback. Customers will be the ones who will be able to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the services and products you offer. Regularly monitoring reviews about your company, you will be able to improve the quality of products, make adjustments in the work of departments, and so on.
It is crucial that the customer has the chance to use the product and express his opinions. But it is equally important to keep a record of the experience. The letter must be addressed to the individual and include the reason for the request. It is recommended to write the letter again in the event of no response. If you harass your customer with these notifications, your emails will be delivered to Spam and you'll be unable to use a reliable method of getting feedback.

If you have a solid client base, make sure you make use of it to collect information about your business's product's quality, pricing policy, and the relevance of blog articles. Take into account segmentation by date added and activity.

Once you've made a list of your customers, send them an email asking for their opinion. The majority of people will write a few lines about you if they are following your news.

For their negative or positive opinions, customers are able to post comments on the discussion thread, or in the product photos.


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26 August 2021
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  1. Back to the Future

    2 years 8 months ago
  2. The Lord of the Rings: The Two...

    2 years 8 months ago
  3. Memento

    2 years 8 months ago
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  1. The Dark Knight

    2 years 8 months ago
  2. The Shawshank Redemption

    2 years 8 months ago
  3. Inception

    2 years 8 months ago
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